17 Signs Someone Is NOT Yet Enlightened (Even if They Behave Like One)
They may be a highly conscious person. But not enlightened.

No, I’m not enlightened. But I know a few enlightened people.
I also interacted with many advanced seekers who had an intense awakening. They operate from a new level of freedom.
Sometimes, these advanced seekers confuse themselves with being enlightened. They behave as if they are. But their inside life story says something different.
I’ve listed these 17 signs that show someone is not yet enlightened. They may be a highly spiritually advanced person, but not enlightened.
1. They still consume spiritual stuff.
The internet is a blessing for advanced seekers.
They know how to sieve through the nonsense and find the gems of the spiritual world hidden in the ocean of the internet.
They sniff the power of these gems when low or confused. Sometimes, they learn about many other paths of various enlightened people.
The learning or unlearning phase is still ongoing.
But once enlightened, the game is over. They don’t seek the help of the internet for clarity or guidance.
They are already there, where every guidance or clarity is.
If they are consuming the internet or trying to seek answers or guidance from anyone, they are still not enlightened.
Enlightenment destroys every darkness and brings utter clarity. Then everything becomes clear as broad daylight. You don’t seek anyone (or anything) for answers.
2. They “try” to spread their wisdom.
I see so many awakened people on various social media platforms.
They post beautiful works. Answer the queries. Or even respond to a few of them.
I know the intelligence of life works through them. The postings are just awesome.
The problem happens when they think that “they” have done the lovely work and try to spread it more.
Life works through everyone when the ego is kept aside. Life flows effortlessly.
But if unchecked, ego can get attached and feel special. It then tries to spread more wisdom. What should have come naturally comes out forcefully.
Enlightened people don’t try to spread anything. If things flow through them, it is because they are full of wisdom and spill them wherever they go.
3. They think they have reached their final destination.
Awakening is beautiful. It shows you a glimpse of that bliss.
Intense awakening may last longer for months, keeping an individual in a blissed-out state. It is beautiful but temporary. The usual life and its struggles return.
The problem happens when they think they have arrived.
Awakening appears out of the blue and gives them wings they thought they never had. They take that experience and create a crown of enlightenment, even when it is not.
If they think they have arrived, they are still far from a permanent blissed-out state called enlightenment.
4. They assume themselves to be right and subtly force it on others.
Oh! I have seen so many advanced seekers doing that.
Being the gullible that I was, I’d often believe them and follow their advice. They sounded so sure of themselves.
Well, thankfully, I didn’t put them up for long.
Many advanced seekers are so confident of what they know that they subtly (sometimes aggressively) try to shove it down your throats. They may also try to show how right they are when you don’t follow their advice.
The shaming and making you under-confident is so sick. It may not happen in public, but when in close contact with them.
Be aware of this power dynamic where they subtly want to dominate.
Enlightened beings do not force themselves on others. They give you complete freedom to choose to take their advice.
5. They think they know what is the right path for others.
Complete ego does not die during awakening.
It is an ongoing process. Even a subtle ego is enough to snap out and form a vicious trap of a spiritual ego.
Advanced seekers have varied spiritual experiences. They can definitely guide someone who is on a similar path.
BUT (a huge but) they may not genuinely guide someone whose path differs from theirs.
How can a lover guide an intellectual person? Or vice versa.
They may try to guide you in the best possible way. But if they think they know exactly what is right for you, they are not enlightened.
6. They conveniently forget when they assume things and put the blame on you.
This one is sad, especially when you surrender to these people.
I have witnessed situations where advanced seekers conveniently forget what they said in hindsight, especially when the situation is sensitive and requires utmost care.
When people react to their insensitive actions, they blame them and try to say things like, “You should be more aware if you reacted to my words.”
A highly spiritual person should be extra aware when they assume, despite preaching a non-assumption life. They should be extra aware when they point fingers at others.
Yes, reaction means suppressed emotions. But belittling others for their emotional outburst shows spiritual immaturity.
7. They are too clever with their words.
We have all types of people walking the spiritual path.
Some are intellectually too intelligent. Some are too innocent. And a variety of people between them.
Advanced seekers with broad spiritual intellect will use difficult vocabulary to impress others and prove their points.
This reminds me of Einstein, who said, “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
Enlightened people simplify everything, use analogies wherever possible, and play fun games to help you understand.
I agree some things are beyond words.
But making everything difficult to understand is a sign that they are still far from enlightenment.
8. When someone tries to show their reality, they dismiss them outrightly.
Once, I met an advanced seeker who shared something with me. I said, “It is just a start.”
He dismissed me aggressively, saying, “You don’t know many things.”
Yes, he was right. I didn’t know about his awakening episode. I didn’t know his full journey. I didn’t know many, many things.
But he also didn’t know that what he shared happened to me almost two decades back, and it took me a while to understand those things.
Recently, when I talked to him, he shared his experiences. He was experiencing things similar to what I had experienced, which he dismissed then.
When advanced seekers don’t want to hear things because they think they have figured it all out, it shows that they are still too far from the destination.
Enlightened people rarely share things to get advice or feel the need for recognition from others. They share things so people can be inspired by them. Even if someone raises a finger, they don’t get offended.
9. They hide behind their cunning tongue.
Enlightened people take every praise or anger in their stride. They neither feel the acknowledgment nor they feel distressed.
They do not feel the need to prove themselves. They may say something at times, but not always.
However, someone who thinks they are enlightened will use twisted words to show how much depth they have achieved.
Also, their words don’t align with their actions.
Their excuses to subtly display their superior spiritual state show the reality of their enlightened state.
10. They are too involved in political talks or twisted affairs of the world.
Everybody wants to live in a place of heaven where there is no war and only love.
Spiritual people want to create a better environment for everyone. They want to make the world a better place. They will take things into their own hands, go on marches, and spread the message.
The message can be beautiful.
But an enlightened being knows that the world is full of twisted plots. You can only work on yourself.
As Ramana Maharishi said, “Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
11. They secretly keep themselves at a higher altar than others.
The spiritual ego is the most dangerous form of ego on the spiritual path.
Once in Satsang, I heard the enlightened master say, “Ignorance will push you into darkness. But knowledge will push you into extreme darkness.”
True spiritual progress makes you humble and vulnerable.
However, those who keep on solidifying their spiritual image become the opposite. They ignorantly dismiss the other and only try to embolden themselves or their image.
12. They avoid confrontations at their weak moments.
Recently, my friend was undergoing a tension with her spiritually advanced friend.
When she asked to talk, he outrightly dismissed her.
He just messaged her, which made things more complicated for her.
Her mistake: her unbroken surrender to him.
His mistake: he assumed he knew everything.
If someone avoids direct confrontation in weak moments, it means they try to hide. They don’t want to get disturbed and hope others will align with them.
My way or highway is the mantra of these people who think they have attained enlightenment. Adjustment to others means losing their freedom.
An enlightened person is always free and doesn't hide in any form of adversity or excuse. They are free even if they are married, heartbroken, or even dying.
They don’t use the excuse of society to clutch on to their fake freedom because they are always internally free.
13. They try to project their emotions as yours.
This one is complex.
As emotional beings, we have our turmoils. Sometimes, we blame others. Sometimes, we defend ourselves.
Sometimes, we unknowingly get influenced by people. We take on their emotional liabilities and make them ours.
Sometimes, we are perfectly fine but are accused of having emotions we don’t have. During vulnerable stages, we assume they must be right.
Then, an emotional conflict occurs, which is not there and is made up of overthinking just because someone we trusted said that. This makes them powerful and in control.
Meanwhile, an enlightened being is free of any emotional battle. And they make the other free.
14. They ONLY romanticize their awakening and spiritual journey.
Awakening is a gift. It opens our eyes and gives us a glimpse of truth.
The shift is huge.
Many people get overly attached to their awakening and the magical experiences that arise with it. When others share their journeys, they easily overlook them.
When someone is overly romantic with their journey only, it shows their self-centeredness.
An enlightened person doesn’t pay much attention to these glimpses as they are resting in their truth permanently.
15. Lack of complete authenticity.
Sometimes, being authentic to oneself is like a bullet shot at the temples.
It is scary, bloody, and leads to death.
Highly conscious people try to remain 100% authentic. Some slip ups may happen. And they try to correct it as soon as they recognize it.
But an enlightened person has no need to remain authentic. Because the flow of life has anchored them in the absolute truth of life. The ego dissolves completely.
16. They still experience many awakening episodes.
Awakening is a process. Not an end result.
Many people undergo these experiences in bursts. They may happen at regular intervals, showing that they are slowly getting aligned with infinite life.
During the process, it may feel magical. Sometimes, love opens the uncharted route of the heart. Sometimes, awareness shines through emotional outbursts.
But after experiencing them, they again slip back to their usual life with some more wisdom. The cycle of immense stillness and ripples goes on.
It continues till everything dies down, and only stillness remains.
If one boasts of their continuous magical journey, it means the illusion is still there.
17. They dismiss the term enlightenment.
They may give you any reason.
“We are already enlightened.” “There is no enlightenment.” “All this is here and now.”
It looks fancy. Enlightened sages have said all these when they experienced that permanent oneness.
But repeating words without really experiencing that oneness is an absurdity.
Final Thoughts
Enlightenment is the ultimate destination of every seeker.
The absolute dissolution where nothing can touch them. No misery. Only bliss. It is a life-transforming, permanent event.
Every hint of illusion shatters. The mind can no longer form stories about the self or the other.
Assuming the self as enlightened is a huge disservice to the self and others. You may hide behind the spiritual ego, halt your progress, and divert others.
Just keep on working on the self. Keep on being aware of the subtle traits of the ego.
Once, an enlightened saint said, “Don’t worry, you can never miss your enlightenment moment. It is like giving birth to a child. Loud yet silent.”
Don’t assume. Just flow.
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Why this mad chase and division between "enlightened" and "unenlightened" beings? First of all everyone is enlightened they just don't know that. Secondly if you don't like something don't take it. This article has traces of needless hate. You don't need a checklist to mark someone as enlightened or not. If you have ever closed your eyes for 5 minutes in meditation and even experienced a second of boundless bliss, you'd instantly "know" who holds water and who doesn't.